Rabu, 07 Juli 2010

Tutorial Javascript - Open Popup Window

Buzz It
Tutorial Javascript - Open Popup Window

Javascript Open Popup Window

Javascript popup window script sometimes is useful for adding a popup window to your pages. When the user clicks on a link, a new window opens and displays a page.

You can use this function like this:

<a href="http://www.webtoolkit.info" title="Free code and tutorials"

onclick="return openWindow(this, {width:790,height:450,center:true})"

Free code and tutorials</a>

There are some available optional parameters which are passed as a second object parameter to this Javascript open window function (look above):

  • width

  • height

  • left

  • top

  • center

  • name

  • scrollbars

  • menubar

  • locationbar

  • resizable

Source code for webtookit.openwindow.js



* Javascript open window

* http://www.webtoolkit.info/




function openWindow(anchor, options) {


var args = '';


if (typeof(options) == 'undefined') { var options = new Object(); }

if (typeof(options.name) == 'undefined') { options.name = 'win' + Math.round(Math.random()*100000); }


if (typeof(options.height) != 'undefined' && typeof(options.fullscreen) == 'undefined') {

args += "height=" + options.height + ",";



if (typeof(options.width) != 'undefined' && typeof(options.fullscreen) == 'undefined') {

args += "width=" + options.width + ",";



if (typeof(options.fullscreen) != 'undefined') {

args += "width=" + screen.availWidth + ",";

args += "height=" + screen.availHeight + ",";



if (typeof(options.center) == 'undefined') {

options.x = 0;

options.y = 0;

args += "screenx=" + options.x + ",";

args += "screeny=" + options.y + ",";

args += "left=" + options.x + ",";

args += "top=" + options.y + ",";



if (typeof(options.center) != 'undefined' && typeof(options.fullscreen) == 'undefined') {

options.y=Math.floor((screen.availHeight-(options.height || screen.height))/2)-(screen.height-screen.availHeight);

options.x=Math.floor((screen.availWidth-(options.width || screen.width))/2)-(screen.width-screen.availWidth);

args += "screenx=" + options.x + ",";

args += "screeny=" + options.y + ",";

args += "left=" + options.x + ",";

args += "top=" + options.y + ",";



if (typeof(options.scrollbars) != 'undefined') { args += "scrollbars=1,"; }

if (typeof(options.menubar) != 'undefined') { args += "menubar=1,"; }

if (typeof(options.locationbar) != 'undefined') { args += "location=1,"; }

if (typeof(options.resizable) != 'undefined') { args += "resizable=1,"; }


var win = window.open(anchor, options.name, args);

return false;



Sumber : http://www.webtoolkit.info/javascript | Download Article.

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